Thursday 10 July 2008

Kiri Te Kanawa

In honor of going to see Kiri Te Kanawa perform this weekend, I'm posting her singing one of the most beloved opera arias of all time 'O mio babbino caro' from Puccini's Gianna Schicchi (1918). Even if you don't like opera, take a listen; it's short. The song title translated means 'my dear papa' and takes place in a comedy when the heroine tries to convince her father to let her marry her fiance after a big feud. The translation from wikipedia is

O my dear papa, He pleases me, and is handsome, handsome; I want to go to Porta Rossa to buy the ring! Yes, yes, I want to go there! And if my love were in vain,I would go to the Ponte Vecchio and throw myself in the Arno! I am aching, I am tortured! Oh God, I'd like to die! Father, have pity, have pity! Father, have pity, have pity!

She is my favorite singer for the smooth tone of her voice and the sort of distinctive 'twang' she has-so beautiful. I can't wait for the weekend!