Wednesday 23 March 2011

What's Out There - Fabulous Real Estate

We have decided to start a new thing here at Creative Juice. We are going to start featuring some awesome properties that are for sale around the world. For today, we are just going to start in Texas and the big ol' city of Dallas.

One of my favorite Dallas Architects is Clifford D. Hutsell.

According to Lakewood's Advocate Magazine, Hutsell’s Spanish Eclectic designs are whimsical and flamboyant with their multi-colored Spanish tile roofs, cream-colored brick (to simulate stucco) with wrought iron accents, round turrets and stained glass windows. This architecture style is very rare outside of southern California.

Hutsell was inspired by the California home of cowboy movie star Tom Mix, and in 1926 began to incorporate some of these features into his designs. He favored L-shaped floor plans built around an enclosed courtyard, possibly with fountains and exterior hearths to create an outdoor living space.

Hutsell built this home for himself in 1930 for $10,000.

Read More about Clifford D. Hutsell here.

And now a look at three of his homes that are currently for sale. We are going to look at three very different price points so you can see just how much money you will need to get yourself into one of his amazing homes. Sure has come a long way from the $10,000 in 1930!

Circa 1927 $500,000

Very charming exterior

Love this, not his signature Spanish Eclectic style but still great!

Hard to tell with no furniture, but this is the dining room.

So what do you think? Is that safe enough for you? Now let's up the ante and see some of that flamboyancy!

Circa 1926 $925,000


Awesome fireplace!

A very Hutsell signature, the ceiling.

This has been a little updated since 1926

Iron work, another Hutsell signature

Small balcony off the Master Bedroom

Circa 1930 $1,995,000

And now for the most Hutsell of them all....

Over the top details and logs. The parabolic front stained glass window is another Hutsell signature.

There's that curved ceiling again.

Amazing stained glass doors!

Painted murals, another Hutsell signature.

So what do you think? Which Hutsell house would you like to live in, if any? Is it not your taste at all? I personally love the second one. Just enough whimsy and crazy for me but not too over the top.