I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm not yet LEED certified... I keep meaning to take the test, but after finishing the AREs, I'm frankly not all that interested in studying. Besides my lack of motivation for studying in general, I'm just not very motivated to take the exam because I'm not completely convinced of its merits. I consider myself a fairly green person, and try to design green whenever my job allows it (which I must admit is not as often as I'd like), so I've never really understood how LEED would or could help me in my work. I could obviously be even more green in my life and work and perhaps studying for the exam would introduce me to technologies and practices with which I'm not currently familiar. But mostly, I feel like its a lot of added paperwork for a job that's already heavy on the paperwork just to prove that I'm getting the result that we should all be aiming for anyway!
Last month, there was an article in slate about these very ideas (and even more about the value of the points system) that more clearly expresses my hesitation for bothering with LEED. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the points, effort, and results tied to the LEED process.