C & I are planning a renovation to our tiny home this spring. We've got the plan laid out, but now I'm trying to work out the details. I feel a lot of pressure to create a unique, well-designed, and innovative home (all within our tight budget of course!). Even though the pressure is self-imposed, its really starting to drain on me. I'm finding it very difficult to come home after a long day designing other peoples' homes, to start working on mine. Anyway, lately I've been trying to think of an interesting material to use for the kitchen backsplash. Tile is always nice (and I may use it), but I'd also like to think about other materials... While none of the materials by Robin Reigl are in my budget, they are interesting to look at. Definitely food for thought... and while I think about it, I may just check out the local salvage yards for some more inspiration.