Sunday 1 April 2007

3 Projects by 3xn

While I've got Scandinavian design on the brain... Here are three projects (2 built and 1 un-built) by Copenhagen, Denmark based 3xn. This firm has a wide range of both built and competition work. I really enjoy their development of the idea of skin, whether it is something that changes throughout the day, wraps around and envelops the interior space, or is something that can be interpreted differently by different users... the investigation of skin is obviously a recurrent theme in their work.

Het Muziekgebouw/BIMHUIS is the result of an Amsterdam competition in 1997. The building was designed with an open flow throughout all hours of the day and night. Transparency and light are major players in this project. Light is provided by the use of a transparent skin which encourages visitors as well as provides ample daylighting, and pulsating electronic light that reflects the musicality of the project. This project is such a successful addition to the waterfront, that the Music House was awarded the Nederlandse Bouwprijs 2006 (Dutch Building Prize 2006).

Herning House of Art was a 2005 competition entry, whose skin was developed through the investigation of folded paper and space.

Tivoli Concert Hall was 3xn's winning entry for a 2005 competition. Tivoli is renown beyond Denmark for its playful spirit and all day (and night) activities. The light transparent facade at the new foyer echoes the shining lights of Tivoli's lamps and carnival activities. It truly creates a sparkling skin enjoyable from the inside and out. Additional work on the Concert Hall included restoration of the original hall, a linear aquarium/light well, and new rehearsal hall.