Saturday, 3 March 2007

Is Flaunt for Men?

I think it might be.... But I don't care. I love it anyway.

I just received the first installation to my new subscription to Flaunt Magazine. I've been eagerly anticipating its arrival, since it touts itself as 'an engine for the avantgarde and outsider culture'. Its subject matter is pretty much all over the map; arts, fashion, architecture, design, music, and pop culture. [For those of you who don't know, in addition to a love of all things architecture and design related, I've got a secret shame - A fascination with pop culture.] Before I even got the magazine, I was sure it would be perfect for me.

And I was pretty much right... except I think the magazine is geared for men. I'll reserve judgement until I get next month's issue. But, the article content and fashion layouts definitely lent themselves to a male audience. You don't generally find Alec Baldwin and cross dressing fashion models in women's fashion mags...

But the truth is, I don't care. I love the graphics and the content. Its always great to read about new designers, chefs, artists (really any creative people) living outside of the radar. This particular issue didn't have a lot of architectural content, but it was full of industrial and graphic design. On top of that, its printed on the most lustrous paper I have ever seen for a magazine. Feeling is believing.

I want to recommend this magazine to everyone I know, but at the same time.. I'm afraid the secret will get out and Flaunt could lose some of its edge. I'm already excited about next month's issue.

*Note: As I read a little more, I realized that this issue is the 5th annual men's issue. I guess you miss things like that when you start reading at the back!