Monday 31 May 2010

Brilliant Orange

A storefront on a London street: There's a legendary story of American painter James Whistler testifying in court against British art critic John Ruskin. The artist sued for libel following a review in which Ruskin charged the painter for his casual and thoughtless use of paint in a particular work. (Actually, the word Ruskin used was "splattering.") Asked how long it'd taken him to complete the painting Whistler replied, "two days." The question implying that 200 guineas for such a work was entirely too generous. But it wasn't for his labor that Whistler had asked such a price. Said he, "I ask it for the knowledge of a lifetime."

The decision to paint the storefront in brilliant orange may've come to the designer in a lark. But the ability to initiate such a lark, well, that could only result from an artist's long and arduous journey.

Brilliant orange, indeed.


another quality web candy - for your surfing pleasure...

Get decorated

Happy Decoration day / Memorial Day! Don't forget to remember your passed loved ones and those who have so bravely fought for our freedoms. I decided last minute to stay in town and because of the hot weather have been nesting. Lilies from the Dupont farmers market.

Sunday 30 May 2010

Svart och vitt med rätt känsla

Underbara bilder i svart vitt med den där lagom bohemiska känslan som jag gillar. Lägg märke till de vackra trädetaljerna, inte mycket, bara så pass att inte inredningen känns överjobbad. Vilket jag faktiskt tycker att den ofta gör när det är just bara ett frossande i svart och vitt. Ja, här kommer ju den kinesiska lyktan igen. Bilder från fotograf Marjon Hoogervorst.

Blue and Melow Interior design Bedroom

Luxuary Blue interior design Bedroom
Interior Design Bedroom Fresh and Luxuary
Luxuary Interior Design Bedroom
Interior Design Bedroom
This is a Melow interior design bedroom, this is very amazing bedroom design. you can save this design ideas for make you home design :)

Living Room Interior Minimalist & Fresh Decoration

sofa furniture in living room interior
Living room design interior
 Living Room Fresh InteriorFresh and minimalist is a impression if you look this living room interior. Some people like a fresh home decoration , so they can fell happy in the house. Ussually people will make a minimalist and fress decoration so that their families far from the nest of disease. how about you ?? i think you will do too :

Kinesiska inredningsdetaljer

På tal om Kina och kinesisk inredning (se tidigare inlägg), så importerar och säljer Annuzza möbler och detaljer i precis den här stilen. I Frihamnen i Stockholm har de sitt grossistlager och showroom men säljer till kunder (inredningsbutiker, antikvitetsbutiker, hotell, inredare m m) i Sverige och över hela Norden. Anna Söderlund som startat och driver Annuzza reser själv runt i Kina och handplockar produkterna för att hitta just de som passar bäst in i våra nordiska miljöer. Jag har tidigare varit i kontakt med Anna när jag letade efter en kinesisk lantern som jag fått frågor om efter ett inlägg i SvD och fick då några förslag på var jag kunde hitta den. Alla bilder från Annuzza.

Friday 28 May 2010

Dancing in the streets

A lot of life was just added to New York Avenue here in DC recently thanks to the National Museum of Women in the Arts.
A series of sculpture exhibits is planned in the upcoming 5 years for a rather soul-less section of New York Avenue right downtown near the White House (between 12 and 13th streets). The first artist selected for the series is Niki de Saint Phalle, best known for her Stravinsky Fountain in front of the Pompidou Center in Paris.
Her large and colorful sculptures bring a smile to the face of everyone who sees them. The expressions they evoke are of pure joy and exuberance, just what dreary downtown needs sometimes! Even while taking these pictures, I got a lot of comments on how great they were.
The sculptures are in stark contrast to much of the art that is featured throughout the city: overwhelmingly traditional and much of it very staid and seriously themed.
The purpose of the exhibit is to bring the museum into the streets and the community. I think it will also bring some attention to NMWA which I have to admit I've never visited, despite living a mere 3 blocks away!
Saint Phalle liked to challenge the notion of what fine art is, and these pieces are no exception. Whimsical yet still monumental, I would imagine a lot of people enjoy these pieces a lot more than they would a trip to their local museum (or so they would think). Art is to be enjoyed, and these are undoubtably joyful!
They celebrate women, children, cultural diversity and love. I think we can all get behind those subjects.
Every 1 to 3 years, the installation will be changed out, but I hope this one remains longer rather than not. Even the signage for Saint Phalle is fun!Do you have a favorite local statue or exhibit to bring a smile to your face everyday? I would love to hear about it!

Modernt och rymligt

Ett modert hus med mycket rymd, ljus och fria ytor. Blir snyggt med en nästan industriavskalad bas och glada färgklickar. Lägg märke till deras egen metod att bygga trendiga lapptäckesmattor, hur smart som helst. Varför klippa när man kan lägga lager på lager. Bilder från holländske fotografen Marjon Hoogervorst.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Michael Minadeo + Partners

Stowe Pool House

The design of this little structure provides an open invitation to relax by the pool while highlighting the surrounding landscape and beautiful mountain vista. With its linear three-component organization, it offers shaded poolside dining anchored by a board formed concrete fireplace, an enclosed “copper-box” guesthouse, and culminates in the seclusion of an exterior shower. The building provides a visual edge and a functional screen the entire length of the pool along the driveway side. Within this divide, along the western end of the structure, an extraordinarily large opening provides a viewing portal through the building, over the pool and to the panorama beyond. Our intention was to enhance and highlight the beauty of the site through understated Architectural elements and landscape.

Many thanks to Michael at Michael Minadeo + Partners for the images and project description.
Landscape Architecture by H. Keith Wagner Partnership
Photos by Westplalen Photography

What were they thinking!!?? - Above the Kitchen Cabinets

Okay, so we are all familiar with that small weird space above the kitchen cabinets that so many people feel the need to over accessorize. I have been victim to the urge of fake ivy and wine bottles, I'll admit it. Don't be ashamed, make a change!

I have chosen a few examples for your viewing pleasure of what
not to do. If you see a picture that reminds you of your kitchen, you might have a problem. Pull out the ladder (or a sturdy bar stool), put on your dust mask and get those silk plants out of there! Just like sushi, fresh is always better!

This picture reminds me of my Grandma's curio cabinet filled with dolls wearing those basket hats with ugly flowers in them. Is that what you want people to think of your kitchen?

Wine should only be collecting dust in a wine cellar, not atop your cabinets. If you're not drinking it, put it away!

Don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to eat any cookies out of those cookie jars! Notice the ivy engulfing the collection of characters. They can't be happy about that!

The Right Way to Do It!

Just a couple of items in a contrasting color will really bring interest to the space. I would cook in this kitchen!

This is a great example of how to display your collection. It is in one confined space, not all over the kitchen and its monochromatic color scheme is easy on the eyes and looks really elegant.

One great accessory to use in the kitchen are plates. Not too many and pick plates that are in the same color family.

If you can't get it right, it's best to just leave the space empty. Stay away from silk plants. Notice the fresh accessories in the right kitchens. If fresh flowers are too expensive for you, visit your local grocer! Artichokes, green apples and bell peppers can make a great (and tasty) kitchen accessory.


Meg Ryans sommarhus

Fastnade lite hos Elle Decor och kikade runt lite och hittade även dessa bilder från Meg Ryans beach house i Marthas Vineyard. Den här tjejen har stil, inget snack om den saken. Alla bilder från Elle Decor.