Thursday, 31 July 2008

SANAA in Kanazawa

Last winter I attended a lecture by Kazuyo Sejima where she described several projects, including SANAA's 21st Century Museum of Art in Kanazawa, Japan. Unfortunately, the images she showed during the lecture, didn't really do the project justice. It wasn't until I stumbled across these images today, that I began to grasp see the success of the project. Many of the public and private spaces are separated merely by glass, but often separated by many layers of the glass. These layers create and opacity and privacy that wouldn't be available with a single pane, yet keep all of the spaces and people linked. The curving and undulating vertical sheets of glass act as dividers, walls, and communicators as the diverge and converge on one another. The light in the project is really lovely, as it refracts through the spaces... For more images check out 0111.