Wednesday 28 May 2008

Sad News

This actually happened a few weeks ago, but I just found out via ecAr... The architecture building at TU Delft has burned... pretty much to the ground. I was lucky enough to study abroad at Delft for about 6 months and spent a lot of time in that building. During the summer, our program (a globalization workshop) had the building to ourselves, but I stayed for another 2 modules and was also able to experience it full of students. The building was significantly larger (7 stories if I remember?) and much different than Crown Hall where I studied at home... My memories of the building are mostly sentimental... of the cafeteria, computers, and classrooms. I hope that the students are able to get back to work, and hopefully the school will be able to build a new even better building, deserving of TU Delft's high standards of architecture.
Photos via