Tuesday 10 July 2007

Reason to go Back

Hollin Hills by Charles Goodman

Hickory Cluster by Charles Goodman

Before C & I left for DC, I asked a few friends for some suggestions for architectural sightseeing. Besides the National Gallery and the AIA Octagon, most people seemed to be as clueless as me... Although, I must admit that I am woefully under-informed regarding American Architects, even more than most.

On one of the last days, we wandered into Design Within Reach (more to enjoy the air conditioning than anything else)... On the wall was a placard with some lovely images of mid-century modern residences by the Washington DC architect Charles Goodman.

Now, that I've had a chance to do a little research on CG, I'm completely disappointed that we didn't have a chance to visit any of his work. It turns out that Charles Goodman was the premier modernist architect in the DC area during the 40s and 50s. Judging by these photos, there is good reason that he was so successful... Goodman managed to bring modernist architecture to modest families located in one of the most historic and stubbornly old-fashioned areas of the country. And to top it all off, it turns out that he is was an IIT alum... How is it that I had never heard of him?!?!? I will definitely need to check out some of his work next time I visit!