Saturday 23 June 2007

Done! Done! Done!

For the past two months I have been anxiously awaiting the results of my final Architectural Registration Exam. I haven't wanted to talk about the AREs on this site because although I'm not generally superstitious, I didn't want to jinx the results!

Well last night as I was getting ready to leave the office and walk home, C called to tell me he was waiting outside the office... I went outside where he was standing with a very large envelope from the Department of Licensing. Flashbacks of college applications, when you hoped for the large envelope came flooding back and I hurriedly opened the package. Sure enough, it was a P (apparently they are too lazy to write out the whole word... and don't get me started on how similar P and F are). And not just one P, but the final in a set of nine Ps.

All of this means that after a long year of studying, I am finally done. Done with all nine exams! Now all I have to do is a little more paperwork and pay a little more money and I can officially call myself an architect!!! I spent the rest of the night (and will probably spend the rest of the weekend) skipping around without a care. I feel so completely relieved to know that these tests are finally behind me!