Saturday 14 April 2007

Style and Design 100

Time Magazine just came out with the Style and Design 100. Their list included 4 architects; SANAA, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank Gehry, and Thomas Heatherwick. A few of their projects are shown below...

As I mentioned in earlier posts, I like and respect the work of SANAA and DS+R, but I'm disappointed by the inclusion of Gehry on this list. [I won't comment on Thomas Heatherwick because I'm not very familiar with his work.] For a list of designers that are supposed to be producing great and innovative design, I feel like Gehry simply does not belong. He may have produced some of the most innovative designs of the 90s (and provided innovation in the design process), but since then his work seems to be a lot of the same, except significantly less successful. Still, I have to give Time some credit for introducing some lesser known architects to the general public... I'm sure Gehry was included because he is one of the few architects that Americans have actually heard of.

I also thought it was great that Time included a list of blogs, including some of my favorites; BLDG Blog, MoCoLoco, and Design Boom.