Thursday 26 May 2011

"What Were They Thinking Thursday!!!?? - Say No to Carpet!

How many of you have experienced going to a nursing home to visit a loved one and been overcome by the smell as soon as you walk into the door? I know I have! Nursing homes are so important and at the end of someone's life, getting the care and attention that they need is critical. However, certain accidents happen when you get to a certain age and so what I don't understand is why do people put carpet in nursing homes!!???

Yes, it might make the place look more "homey" but should that look come at the price of cleanliness and health? Carpet can hold bacteria and with bacteria comes the foul smell. With the widespread of drug resistance bacteria being found among elderly patients in nursing homes, why do they still have that nasty carpet! Infections can mean life or death in this environment and carpet can be more difficult to clean than the way a hard surface can. 

 Accidents happen everywhere so go ahead and put hard surface floors throughout!

 I have seen this type of place before. Very typical. Nursing homes should also be concerned with the upholstery on the chairs. Vinyls and commercial fabrics like, Cryptons, are great options because they can be wiped down, cleaned with bleach and have protective moisture barriers. 

 This patient room may look luxurious but once an accident happens on that carpet its hard to get the smell out.

There are some really great options besides carpet. There are vinyl wood plank products that are made to look and feel like real wood but they can be cleaned with bleach and some have anti-microbial layers that help stop the spread of infection causing bacteria. Why would you not put this stuff everywhere??

 A much more appropriate flooring option.

 This vinyl wood floor still makes the place feel warm and "homey" while maintaining a clean environment. 

Not crazy about the decor, but at least that floor can be mopped.

The smell is not just about pleasing the people that come to visit, it's about the residents too! At the end of someone's life, we should at least be able to honor them with a healthy clean environment. 

What about you? Have you experienced this before? 
