Sunday 6 March 2011


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Future Looks Remote

Classic Home - Interior Design Architecture Traditional Classic. Classic home architecture design is interesting, although this house, even though their home tradisinol classic traditional old house but this house is like masi crowded. Dowling presents various examples of styles in the photo many great books, from luxury homes and university buildings to the financial centers in Washington, DC, and "Club Georgia" in Tokyo. In the introduction, the author celebrates the rebirth recently Classicism in the United States and Britain, while unabashedly expressing her distaste for modern design. He makes a dichotomy between the two styles, tracing the emergence of modern architecture in the last century against the classical tradition, which Dowling felt he had suffered a decline in popularity since the 1930s, "when many of the Bauhaus professor immigrated to America. to escape persecution in Nazi German. "Dowling then quickly moving to mention those contained in the book designer who reject modern aesthetic dominant in the last half century, as Allan Greenberg and John Blatteau.