Thursday, 16 December 2010

"What Were They Thinking Thursday!!??" - How Lovely Are Your Branches?

The tradition of the Christmas tree dates back to 16th Century Germany. What was first decorated with candles, apples, dates, nuts and paper flowers has grown in to something much more complicated . Nowadays Christmas trees are adorned with LED lights, mechanical moving elves in their workshop, priceless kiddy crafts you've had since they were in pre-school and introduced in 2008, the most expensive ornament in the world covered in diamonds and rubies and if you call now it can be yours for only $130,000!

What started out simple has morphed into an ornament overload. This is what I'm talking about:

Is that supposed to be the moon on top?

LED crazy

Over-decorated tree! It looks like a peacock exploded nearby.

A little crazy with the dolls, I can just imagine them all coming alive at night. Creepy!

You can't even see the tree branches!

Not only are trees over-decorated, sometimes they are just ugly and poorly decorated. Like these:

I think they just ran out of ornaments by the time they got to the bottom so gathered up as many poinsettias as they could find and hoped no one would notice.


This might be the worst of all. The tassels, oh my the tassels!

Could decide on a color combo this year so let's just do both!

Two, Four, Six, Eight who do we appreciate? People that don't cover their trees in pom poms.

I always wanted a Pez tree.

We don't have enough ornaments, quick honey, go get all the kid's toys and we'll just stick them in the tree.

Poor Charlie Brown tree


Okay, time for the pretty trees:

Did you notice that with all these Christmas trees, you can actually see the tree? Also, just like any design, when decorating your tree be looking for composition and symmetry.

And now let's see some alternative Christmas trees. These people got super creative when decorating for the Holidays.
I love this tree! It looks so beautiful sitting in that stone urn. Very non-traditional but really fun!

This is a brilliant idea for someone who doesn't have room for a tree or who just wants to be really creative. Love it!

This is a bit crazy but it works. The tree matches the culture of the space. Fun, bright and eclectic.

So simple but so perfect. And those wrapping papers are to die for!

Send us a picture of your Christmas tree and we'll post them next week!
