Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Fresh Squeezed - Super Graphics

Everything is BIGGER in Texas...

Oversize wall graphics are becoming very popular in commercial spaces. They can be used to reflect a company's brand, values, and mission. They can be completely custom, allowing the creativity to be limited to only the owners imagination. Here are a few examples for oversize graphics that make a dramatic statement within the space.

I would definitely buy these clothes if it meant I would look like her in them. This is a great way for a business to advertise their products.

This is a great way for a company to show their history. I love the collage of old historic buildings. It's advertising that Wells Fargo has been around a long time...
I love the repetitiveness of the limes. Lemon Limeade, anyone?

Instead of using graphics on walls, using them on cabinets is a great way to get the same type of statement, just in a different way.

This is a great example of how a vinyl graphic can be used to wrap around a wall. The use of this graphic in this location disguises the wall from jutting out.

The color RED is a great color to use in a kitchen. This color is known to stimulate conversation and appetite, which is why it was such a great use of color in this kitchen. Using it on the cabinets and wall graphic make a huge statement. Who says color has to be on the walls?

I would love to sit on this sofa and imagine that I was in the forest. This graphic sets the tone for the room. The image is so peaceful and serene, I can almost hear the birds chirping now...

Check out www.designtex.com wallcovering/rinekwall for in stock graphic wallcovering like this one above "Xeriscape".

Designtex, "Marble Mix"

Designtex, "Wired"

Although this is a fairly new trend in commercial design, it has been around a while in residential design. Many art collectors have incorporated large paintings in their homes which gives you the same impact- all eyes are drawn to it. Some examples are...

Hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas!
-Hannah & Brandy