Tuesday 14 September 2010

Vanity Fair - Modern Marvels #9

Number 9 on Vanity Fair's Modern Marvels list is probably the first architectural marvel I ever visited. The thing is... I can't remember the first time. In fact, I've seen it so many times I have trouble distinguishing any particular memories.
I'm from the east coast and have a history buff for a father, so I've made quite a few visits to DC, all of which included stops to the Vietnam Memorial.
One of the most striking aspects of the design is that it doesn't look anything like memorials as we know then. This one requires your engagement. You can't just take a look at a statue and move on... you actually have to walk through and along and experience the wall.
I with more memorials engaged the public like this one, instead of simply pandering to our cliched ideas of memorials and patriotism.
And what makes it even cooler... Maya Lin completed this competition entry while still in school, beating out (among others) her teacher who gave her a 'B' on the design!