Tuesday 28 September 2010

Finally It's Fall!

The weather has finally cooled off and it is really starting to feel like Fall, my favorite season! I am already sipping hot coffee in the evening and burning those delicious pumpkin scented candles that make everyone think I am baking but seriously, who has the time.

In honor of the recent temperature drop I have decided to blog about America's favorite mountain house style, the log cabin. The log cabin has been around for a very long time. Log cabin construction was brought over by the swedish in the 1700's and evolved with the Homestead Act of 1862 which gave people rights to open land as long as they cultivated it and built homes that had to meet certain requirements.

Well, log cabins have come a very long way since 1862 and today they have all the amenities one could desire. From log mansions, to modern mobile log cabins. There is something for everyone. But they all have one thing in common, the nostalgia of the American Frontier.

Take a look at all the very different styles of log cabins:

The Cute and Quaint Cabin in the Woods

A-Frame Cabins

I love this one! Tree house log cabin

Ultra-modern log cabins

Quite literal log cabin

Log mansions

And last the most amazing of them all, the tallest log cabin in the world! In Russia, built by Sutyagin stands 144 ft tall! Too bad he went to prison and can now only afford to heat four rooms on the very bottom floor.
