Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Ephemeral Beauty of James Denevan

James Denevan creates visual events in the sand. His work is a study of the impermanent nature of the environment, matter, and life itself.

These sand drawings were created on the beaches near Denevan's home in Santa Cruz.

His tools are a large stick, a quiver of various rakes, and a zen like patience.

The ephemeral has been as much a part of Denevan's life as it is his work (he also works in other earth environments and ice):
His father died when Denevan was five leaving behind a family of nine children; His mother, a mathematician by training who wrote on the Fibonacci Numbers, would later suffer from Alzheimer's; Three of his brothers suffered from schizophrenia; Denevan is a divorced father; He's also a life-long surfer. And then, there's the beach...

More on James Denevan here.