Thursday 15 July 2010

Meadowlarking pt 1

Could it be the meadow has served as an archetype for all human-made gardens to follow?

In every meadow there's a possibility of color, texture, layers, contrast, and interplay: All things which every intentional designer aspires to, whether inside or out.

The meadow isn't the dark giant of the forest or jungle, it's not the shrouded recesses of the mountain, cliff, or ravine. It's open, bright, with a promise to bend to the touch.

It offers welcoming space and visual softness. It shares the sky.

With color it is a garden of royal lineage.

It's formal and wild. It's traditional and modern.

It is a carpet, a window, and an embrace.

It's the cathedral without walls. It's an idyll befitting a home.

And it keeps the dark forest at bay.