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Home Interior Design And Furniture For Offices And Private Homes
Interior Design house And furniture For Offices And Private Homes In this new era, office furniture designers a lot of thought rather than j...
By Boor Bridges
A quite large live/work space in San Francisco by Boor Bridges Architecture . The space is both an adaptive reuse project as well as an ada...
No Fear
SAM Single Family Home Theatre Restaurant BW architects out of Switzerland certainly are not afraid of using color or sharp angles.... T...
Tokiga i vitt
Har läst i några utländska bloggar att de tycker att vi svenskar är tokiga i vitt. Ja, det stämmer nog. Kanske beror det på vårt klimat elle...
Career Expectations
Pintday has some hilarious cartoons depicting life as an architectural student and intern... Check out even more here . [You will probably n...
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Wednesday, 4 March 2009
This installation by
is made of high polished steel with matte black contrasting surfaces. The pieces were moved around Berlin and photographed to show the new and old structures of the city...
le territoire dessens
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