Saturday 26 May 2007

Tag I'm It

Recently Sarah tagged me, and while I'm not going to be tagging anyone myself (mostly because I don't personally know 10 people with blogs willing to do this), I thought I'd at least do part of the game, listing 10 relatively unknown things about me.

1) I tend to write long run-on sentences. See above (although that's probably not unknown).
2) I am terrified of wrinkles.
3) I have wanted to be an architect as long as I can remember (at least as early as 10), but I really couldn't say why... back then, I didn't really even know what an architect was. Sometimes I wonder if I knew then what I knew now I'd still be here.
4) I love celebrity gossip.
5) I still have not received the test results from my last ARE exam, and its killing me.
6) I hate the cold, even though I'm from Massachusetts.
7) I used to think Frank Gehry was fabulous (oh... the shame) and made a special point to visit the Guggenheim in Bilbao when I was in Spain in 1998.
8) I would really like to get into furniture design in addition to architecture.
9) I am very organized and yet pretty messy. Most people don't think these two things can occur concurrently, but they can... Part of my organizational methods involves always being able to see everything. I may have a hundred piles, but I know exactly what is in each one of them.
10) I am trying to teach myself Spanish. I once spoke it fairly well, but since I haven't been keeping up my skills are lacking. I'd really like to be able to read some of the great Spanish blogs.