Sunday 27 May 2007

Depressing or Inspiring?


When I see a young firm creating the types of work I'd like to be a part of, its a bit hard not to be jealous. What is stopping me from going out there and producing my own designs?

Instead of letting myself get depressed about the state of my career (which, really isn't in a bad place anyway), I'm choosing to be inspired. There are so many small, young, multi-disciplinary design firms who are taking a risk and enjoying the rewards. Clearly, its takes more than guts, you also need talent, hard work, and a bit of luck to succeed... but you won't get anything without trying.

One such firm is Workshop 308 out of Springfield, Missouri. This firm is producing a wide variety of design works including built structures, interior designs, branding, and furniture. Their approach to design as a discipline, rather than to architecture as a specialty allows them to learn from each other and use that knowledge to create even more successful designs. For example, I think the Staxx display installation is obviously influenced by their work in graphics and branding.

I hope this firm has continued success, and that they realize what an inspiration they are to other young designers..

McGillicuty Residence / ArchitectureStaxx Display Installation / Interior DesignReclaimed Fir and Steel Line Table/FurnitureAnnouncements/Branding