Wednesday 14 March 2007

Iconic Hotel/Condo Conversions

We all know that the most popular things in development today (and for the past 20 years) are condo conversions. I just read a post on Dezeen today about Norman Foster's development of the city block housing the old Rossia Hotel in Moscow. The redevelopment will include hotel spaces, as well as condos, retail and more... a true mixed use. A current photo of the hotel is shown below, with Foster's model of the proposed building. This isn't a exactly a conversion, but its certainly reminiscent of the trends today...

Hotel Rossia - A Communist Era Icon

I also recently learned that the famed Plaza Hotel in New York City is being converted to condos. Because it has been registered with the Landmarks Preservation Commission, many of the most famous interior spaces can not be altered. However, it will be interesting to see what happens to some of the lower proposed retail areas, which have proven to be a contentious area for Plaza aficionados. Although the facade has also been protected, I'm very curious as to what will happen to the exterior. I can't seem to find any information or renderings, but clearly something is happening as illustrated by the scaffolding covering the building. The lack of imagery for the proposed changes really makes me wonder...For more information about the renovation, check PlanNYC.

Plaza Hotel NYC - An early 20th century New York icon