one of seven images from today's (20 October 2006) eye candy...
for this second installment of Schools of Architecture - Design/Build
we are completely indebted to eye candy subscribers - thank you!
http://www.forest.ac.jp/english/index.html The Gifu Academy of
Forest Science and Culture is a higher education institution situated
in the Gifu Prefecture, of central Japan. The Gifu Prefecture has
abundant natural forest resources and a history of wood working,
wooden architecture and forestry traditions. The objective of the
Academy is to produce graduates who can develop innovative and
sustainable ways for communities and individuals to use forest and
wood resources. This, it is hoped, will contribute to addressing the
challenges faced by modern society's reliance on the mass-consumption
of non-sustainable resources.
http://www.clemson.edu/caah/architecture/3.4.6.icff.php The work
at the Clemson School of Architecture represents a broad and
comprehensive examination of material, tectonic, formal, and social
investigations in various contexts, scales and media. Explorations in
making at the School of Architecture range from full-scale design-build
opportunities like Studio South and AREA... http://www.clemson.edu/caah/architecture/3.4.6.area.php . Clemson
University's School of Architecture was selected to present work at the
International Contemporary Furniture Fair in New York City May 14-17.
http://www.arch.uh.edu/port/dBuild.html Robert Lindsey and Paul
Lodholz created the UH Graduate Design/Build Studio in 1990 to offer
graduate students hands on experience with building construction. In
the early years, the first few projects focused on traditional timber
construction; including a playground, a heavy timber storage barn, and
a bandstand. As the program evolved, the projects commissioned
became more comprehensive and complex. In recent years the
Design/Build Studio has collaborated with various public elementary
schools to enhance their programs by building outdoor classrooms.
Each project is designed with attention to the surrounding environment
with the intent of taking full advantage of the available natural resources.
http://www.arch.virginia.edu/theschool/addition/designbuild/ In 1999,
the Dean of the University of Virginia's School of Architecture chaired a
team that produced a feasibility study for creating additions to
Campbell Hall designed by several members of the School’s faculty.
Since that time, several distinct projects have been developed by
faculty members in collaboration with students, colleagues, and the
architect of record, SMBW Architects.
http://capd.ksu.edu/arch/ I'm not certain if Kansas State University
still has a design build program or if this was a one off to create the
space they needed. http://softfirmstudios.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=1492
http://tulaneurbanbuild.com/build/build1.html Studio participants
working at the immediate scale of the single family dwelling will
propose options for multiple sites amidst the identified target zone.
As qualities of the individual proposals are compared, prototypical
opportunities will be identified. One single family housing site will
eventually be identified for construction, and a single prototype will
be developed as a result of the group research. That proposal will be
documented in preparation for permitting and construction. Ground
breaking will occur upon the completion of development, and construction
will occur through the summer.
http://www.parsonsdesignworkshop.org/ In January 2006, The
Design Workshop at Parsons The New School for Design was
approached by SHoP Architects to join a rebuilding effort in
DeLisle, Mississippi. Spearheaded by local resident and client
Martha Murphy, the project began with her vision to create a place
that could meet both the physical and emotional needs of a community
devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The team was asked to design a
facility that functions as both a laundromat and information center.
The simple task of washing one’s clothes would provide immediate
relief while exposing community members to critical information
necessary in the complicated process of recovery.